Monday, August 8, 2011

Students reveal top 10 dos for attending TCC

I posted a few weeks ago about TCC's First Class, but I haven't told you what I learned at the orientation. Here are some "dos" that were presented by some seasoned TCC students that I think are very helpful.

1. Do homework on campus. Kids, parents, spouses, TV, dishes. Home equals distrations.
2. Do take classes in subjects you struggle with early. Putting off "hard" classes won't do you any favors.
3. Do wait until your second semester to take an online and/or blended class. Use the first semester to build good study skills, and by next semester you'll be ready.
4. Do ask questions. If you don't know something, ask! TCC staff and faculty are here for YOU.
5. Do find a "notes buddy" the first week of class in every class. Then if you miss class, you've got a backup.
6. Do get involved in student activities/organizations. You'll meet other students who can be great resources, and maybe even friends.
7. Do take advantage of FREE tutoring offered on every TCC campus.
8. Do visit career services if you don't know what you want to be when you grow up.
9. Do visit an advisor asap to make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's.
10. Do enroll in First Class--TCC's new student orientation class offered this fall to get more tips like these.

Note: First Class is in TED under "College Orientation ENGL 1091."

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